p5.js Course Materials
p5.js Course Materials

p5.js Course Materials

Resources that I've developed for using p5.js in education.

Also see p5.js Resourcesp5.js Resources, that includes resources from other people too.

p5.js Templates

p5.js Template (Glitch) – Remix this to create a p5.js project on Glitch. Adapted from a template by J.H. Moon

p5.js Template (GitHub) – Download or clone this to create a p5.js project Visual Studio Code.

p5pose is a p5.js + ml5.js PoseNet starter. I prefer it to the official starter because I prefer for my students to use the for…of statement. Also see 💃🏻PoseNet.

Examples & Recipes

p5.js Examples


Map Explorer is an interactive visualization of the Arduino / Processing / p5.js map() function.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

This is a library of step-by-step tutorials that demonstrate different techniques in p5.js. They are designed for beginning to intermediate p5.js coders. Some of the end with a sampler of more advanced techniques on the final pages.