GPT Experiments

Code Explorations

ChatGPT Code Explanations
ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha Comparison
Debugging a Student Arduino Sketch
Creating a Lesson Plan
Using ChatGPT to Port a Python Package to JavaScript


Finishing Each Other’s Sandwiches
Audiophile Take-Down
Strange Loop: A Fiction
  • Bullet Points and Beyond — translations of a message posted to our neighborhood community WeChat in Fall 2022; into English, French, a description of a sculpture, a recipe for lasagne, and more.

The Eight Rule of Fight Club

Rules three through seven were cherry-picked from a longer list of ten generated rules (but they were not edited), and rearranged. The first two rules were copied from the original, and the eight rule was added.
Rules three through seven were cherry-picked from a longer list of ten generated rules (but they were not edited), and rearranged. The first two rules were copied from the original, and the eight rule was added.

How the Rabbit Got His Hop

A children’s story for the Chinese New Year.

January 21, 2023. Text edited from a set of responses generated by GPT-3. Illustration from Midjourney.
January 21, 2023. Text edited from a set of responses generated by GPT-3. Illustration from Midjourney.

Imitating the Style of Famous Programmers
Image Description Styles
Student Feedback on a Simple Image
Turning a Flowchart into a Dialog
Reasoning about Images